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Publications are listed alphabetically by authors. Numbers of the relevant entries in TL-2 (Stafleu & Cowan, Taxonomic literature 1-7; in Regnum Veg. 94, 98, 105, 110, 112, 115, 116. 1976-1988) are added parenthetically in bold-face-type when available. Names appearing in the listed publications in any of the ranks specified in square brackets at the end of each entry are not accepted as validly published under the present Code (Art. 32.9).
Agosti, J. 1770. De re botanica tractatus. Belluno. (TL-2 No. 66.) [Genera.]
Buc'hoz, P. J. 1762-1770. Traité historique des plantes qui croissent dans la Lorraine et les Trois Evêchés. 10 vol. Nancy & Paris. (TL-2 No. 872.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Buc'hoz, P. J. 1764. Tournefortius Lotharingiae, ou catalogue des plantes qui croissent dans la Lorraine et les Trois Evêchés. Paris & Nancy. (TL-2 No. 873.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Buc'hoz, P. J. 1770. Dictionnaire raisonné universel des plantes, arbres et arbustes de France. Vol. 1, 2, and 3 (pp. 1-528) [but not vol. 3 (pp. 529-643), nor vol. 4]. Paris. (TL-2 No. 874.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Donati, V. 1753. Auszug seiner Naturgeschichte des adriatischen Meers. Halle. (TL-2 sub No. 1500.) [All ranks.]
Ehrhart, J. B. 1753-1762. Oeconomische Pflanzenhistorie. 12 vol. Ulm & Memmingen. (TL-2 No. 1647.) [Genera.]
Ehrhart, J. F. 1780-1785. Phytophylacium ehrhartianum. 10 decades. Hannover. (vide TL-2, 1: 731.) [Genera.]
Ehrhart, J. F. 1789. Index phytophylacii ehrhartiani. Pp. 145-150 in: Ehr, J. F.: Beiträge zur Botanik, 4. Hannover & Osnabrück. (TL-2 sub No. 1645.) [Genera.]
Feuillée, L. 1756-1757, 1766. Beschreibung zur Arzeney dienlicher Pflanzen, welche in den Reichen des mittägigen America in Peru und Chily vorzüglich im Gebrauch sind. 2 vol. [and re-issue]. Nürnberg. (TL-2 sub No. 1767.) [Genera.]
Gandoger, M. 1883-1891. Flora Europae terrarumque adjacentium. 27 vol. Paris, London & Berlin. (TL-2 No. 1942.) [Species.]
Garsault, F. A. P. de, 1764. Les figures de plantes et animaux d'usage en médecine, décrites dans la matière médicale de Mr. Geoffroy. 5 vol. Paris. (TL-2 No. 1959.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Garsault, F. A. P. de, 1764-1767. Description, vertus et usages de sept cent dix-neuf plantes, tant étrangères que de nos climats. 5 vol. Paris. (TL-2 No. 1961.) [Genera, species and infraspecific taxa.]
Garsault, F. A. P. de, 1765. Explication abrégée de sept cent dix-neuf plantes, tant étrangères que de nos climats. Paris. (TL-2 No. 1960.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Gilibert, J. E. 1782. Flora lituanica inchoata. 2 vol. Grodno. (TL-2 No. 2012.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Gilibert, J. E. 1782. Exercitium botanicum, in schola vilnensi peractum, seu enumeratio methodica plantarum tam indigenarum quam exoticarum quas proprio marte determinaverunt alumni in campis vilniensibus aut in horto botanico universitatis. Wilnius. (TL-2 No. 2013.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Gilibert, J. E. 1785-1787. Caroli Linnaei botanicorum principis systema plantarum Europae. 7 vol. Vienne. (TL-2 No. 2014.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Gilibert, J. E. 1792. Exercitia phytologica, quibus omnes plantae Europae, quas vivas invenit in variis herbationibus, seu in Lithuania, Gallia, Alpibus, analysi nova proponuntur. 2 vol. Lyon. (TL-2 No. 2015.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Gleditsch, J. G. 1753. Observation sur la pneumonanthe, nouveau genre de plante, dont le caractère diffère essentiellement de celui de la gentiane. Hist. Acad. Roy. Sci. (Berlin) 1751: 158-166. [All ranks.]
Guettard, J. E. 1755. Cinquième [Sixième] mémoire sur les glandes des plantes, et le quatrième [cinquième] sur l'usage que l'on peut faire de ces parties dans l'établissement des genres des plantes. Hist. Acad. Roy. Sci. Mém. Math. Phys. (Paris, 4°) 1749: 322-377, 392-443. (TL-2 No. 2208.) [All ranks.]
Haller, A. von, 1753. Enumeratio plantarum horti regii et agri gottingensis. Göttingen. (TL-2 No. 2309.) [All ranks.]
Heister, L. 1753. Descriptio novi generis plantae rarissimae et speciosissimae africanae. Braunschweig. (TL-2 No. 2592.) [All ranks.]
Hill, J. 1753. [Entries on natural history.] In: Scott, G. L. (ed.), A supplement of Mr. Chambers's Cyclopaedia: or a universal dictionary of the arts and sciences. 2 vol. London. [All ranks.]
Hill, J. 1753-1754. [Entries on natural history.] In:
Society of Gentlemen (ed.), A new and complete dictionary of arts
and sciences. 4 vol. London. [All ranks.]
Hill, J. 1754,
etc. The useful family herbal. [Including subsequent re-issues
and editions]. London. (TL-2 No. 2768.) [Genera, species and
infraspecific taxa.]
Hill, J. 1756-1757 The British herbal. London. (TL-2 No. 2769.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Motyka, J. 1995-1996. Porosty (Lichenes). Rodzina Lecanoraceae. 4 vol. Lublin. [Genera and species.]
Necker, N. J. de, 1790-1791, 1808. Elementa botanica. [All issues and editions]. Neuwied, Paris, Strasbourg, Mainz. (TL-2 No. 6670.) [Genera.]
Rumphius, G. E. 1755. Herbarii amboinensis auctuarium.
Amsterdam. (TL-
2 No. 9785.) [Genera; this does not affect
species names published by Burman in the "Index", pp.
75-94, in that work.]
Secretan, L. 1833. Mycographie suisse, ou description des champignons qui croissent en Suisse. 3 vol. Genève. (TL-2 No. 11595.) [Species and infraspecific taxa.]
Trew, C. J. [and others] [1747-]1753-1773. Herbarium blackwellianum emendatum et auctum. 6 vol. Nürnberg. (TL-2 No. 546.) [Genera.]
(c) 2006, by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. This page last updated 23.03.2007 .