The main research focus of the department is the study of biodiversity at different levels and the interactions of its components with the environment. We aim at a wide range of organisms and their assemblages, from plant communities, algae, cyanobacteria and fungi to invertebrates and fish. We study both native and non-native or invasive species in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Geographically, our research is primarily situated in the Carpathian and Pannonian region, but is not exclusively limited to this area; we also work on several more global topics.
Currently, we are studying the structure, evolution and history of communities and populations, we deal with classification, autecological characteristics, systematics and phylogeny. From an evolutionary point of view, we examine trends in population development, environmental adaptations or functional diversity.
The main goal of our research is to better understand the composition, evolution and changes of biodiversity in space and time and to contribute to its conservation.
Our current research groups and their activities
- Vegetation ecology
- Study of vegetation-environment relationships in temperate forests, specifically in various types of mesic forests but also in floodplain and swamp forests within the main biogeographic regions of Central and Southern Europe. The main research topics includes: i) impacts of environmental factors, land use and forest management on plant species composition and species richness of forest understorey; ii) diversity patterns of forests in various biogeographic regions; and iii) mechanisms and processes of plant invasions in forest ecosystems.
- Study of spatio-temporal changes that translate to changes in diversity and distribution of populations and communities across all organizational levels in the alpine and arctic zones. We focus on the variability of plant communities; land use and management; impact of climate change in this fragile and harsh environment together with other natural and/or human-based disturbances.
- Study of vegetation changes in various habitats, currently focused mainly on halophytic plant communities, which are on the edge of extinction in Slovakia due to the altered water regime and abandonment. Study of the possibilities of habitat restoration on permanent plots. The use of controlled field experiments to determine the regeneration potential of habitats and the impact of various management methods.
- Vegetation survey and classification in Europe and beyond with the following main aims: i) to describe the variability of vegetation in various plant communities and habitats; ii) to elucidate the role of habitat conditions and environmental factors on this variability; iii) to delimit vegetation units based on formalized phytosociological methods; iv) to produce vegetation overviews for scientific and nature conservation purposes. Since 1995, we have built the Central Database of Phytosociological Relevés of Slovakia (CDF,, which ranks among the leading ones in Europe and worldwide thanks to its quality and size.
We focus on:
- Research of space and time dynamics of synanthropic communities;
- Investigation of penetration of alien organisms into the native biocenoses;
- Investigation of linear anthropogenous corridors (e.g. rivers, railways, roads) with regard to distribution of non-native or native rare or halophilous species;
- Study of alien species and community ecology;
- Research of species diversity/variability of synanthropic communities and their classification;
- Study of consequences of fragmentation and homogenisation on native biota, especially its biodiversity on species and genetic level;
- Utilization of multispectral Earth observation data for study of distribution, direction and rate of spreading of alien organisms and their communities (but also decline of native - Natura 2000 biotopes);
- Preparation and actualization of comprehensive overall works (Synanthropic vegetation of Slovakia, Inventory of the alien flora of Slovakia) and databases related to them (;
- Implementation of the principles of the Citizen Science for the data collection on the distribution of the alien organisms and utilisation of the Citizen Science to increase public awareness on the topic of biological invasions (smartphone app VISITOR,
- Study of the diversity of the aquatic ecosystems includes: i) description of new taxa, phylogenetic relationships, systematics of selected taxa; ii) biodiversity state research (research on the feasibility and application of innovative methods – DNA barcoding, metabarcoding, environmental DNA); iii) building a national database of DNA barcodes of aquatic biota of Slovakia; iv) analysing relationships between taxonomic and functional diversity of aquatic organisms and the environment, including human impacts; v) identification of indicator groups of aquatic organisms with potential to represent the overall biodiversity of habitats, vi) study of aquatic alien organisms and their effect on native biota of lotic and lentic ecosystems.
Pedological laboratory
- sušička laboratórneho skla KBC G – 100/250
sušička rastlinného materiálu HS 402
predvážky MP – 30
predvážky Chirana P3/300
analytické váhy Radwag AS 310/C/2
trepačka Chirana
Eutech PC 650 pH meter, konduktometer
susička PREMED KBC G - 100/250