
OBE junior researcher
RNDr. Daniela Dúbravková, PhD.

Publications for year 2024

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  • JANIŠOVÁ, Monika - MAGNES, Martin - DEVÁNOVÁ, Katarína - DÚBRAVKOVÁ, Daniela**. Mid‑term changes of dry grasslands with conservation management in the Hainburger Berge Mountains. In Biologia, 2024, vol. 79, no. 4, p. 1091-112. (2023: 0.361 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 0006-3088. Dostupné na: (VEGA č. 2/0065/23 : Kombinovaný manažment ako nástroj na ochranu a obnovu travinnob ylinných biotopov/Combined managemnt as a tool for consrvation and restoration of grassland habitats. APVV-21-0226 : Druhovo bohaté lúky a pasienky Karpát: mapovanie, história, príčiny zmien a ochrana/Species-rich Carpathian grasslands: mapping, history, drivers of change and conservation) Typ: ADDA