
OBE junior researcher
Mgr. Monika Majerová, PhD.

Publications for year 2024

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  • DUDÁŠ, Matej** - ELIÁŠ, Pavol jun. - HRIVNÁK, Richard - KIRÁLY, Gergely - KOBIV, Yuriy - MAJEROVÁ, Monika - MÁJEKOVÁ, Jana - MIKOLÁŠ, Vlastimil - PLISZKO, Artur - SCHMOTZER, András - TAKÁCS, Attila. New floristic records from Central Europe 13 (reports 176-197). Matej Dudáš (ed.). In Thaiszia, 2024, vol. 34, no. 1, p. 66-89. (2023: 0.154 - SJR, Q4 - SJR). ISSN 1210-0420. (APVV-21-0386 : Včely všetko nestihnú – DNA metabarkódingová analýza biodiverzity opeľovačov pre zlepšenie ich ochrany a ekosystémových služieb/Bees cannot make it all - DNA metabarcoding analysis of polinator biodiversity for omproving their protection and ecosystem services. VEGA č. 2/0108/21 : Diverzita bioty miest v karpatsko-panónskej oblasti/Diversity of urban biota in the Carpathian-Panonian region) Typ: ADNB
  • RECZYNSKA, Kamila - NOVÁK, Pavel - MAJEROVÁ, Monika - SWIERKOSZ, Krzysztof**. The current state of relic rocky grasslands with Sesleria tatrae and Calamagrostis varia in the Eastern Sudetes (Śnieżnik Massif, SW Poland). In Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2017, vol. 93, art. no. 181645. (2016: 0.917 - IF, Q3 - JCR, 0.356 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2017 - Current Contents). ISSN 0001-6977. Dostupné na: Typ: ADCA