
OBE senior researcher
Mgr. Dobromil Galvánek, PhD.

Publications for year 2024

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  • GALVÁNEK, Dobromil** - UHLIAROVÁ, Eva - UJHÁZY, Karol - UJHÁZIOVÁ, Mariana - JANIŠOVÁ, Monika - TĚŠITEL, Jakub. Reversing expansion of Calamagrostis epigejos in Carpathian mountain grasslands by mowing and application of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus alectorolophus. In Applied Vegetation Science, 2024, vol. 27, no. 2, art. no. e12782. (2023: 2 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 0.894 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 1654-109X. Dostupné na: (VEGA č. 2/0132/21 : Diverzita lúčnych a pasienkových biotopov Slovenska po dvoch dekádach v Európske únii/Diversity of gassland habitats in Slovakia after two decades in the EU. APVV-21-0226 : Druhovo bohaté lúky a pasienky Karpát: mapovanie, história, príčiny zmien a ochrana/Species-rich Carpathian grasslands: mapping, history, drivers of change and conservation) Typ: ADCA